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13% new borns with covid – hit moms tested positive in Kerala

- March 18, 2021

Nearly 13 % of new borns, whos mothers contracted Covid – 19 during delivery, have tested positive for Covid soon after birth in the state However, the majority had mild symptoms and they recovered soon.

Data from the directorate of health services (DHS) shows that as on October 21, 2020, about 1,835 Covid positive pregnant mothers had delivered and of these, 245 newborns tested Covid positive.

Even now it remains around 13 %. The trend is seen more in breastfeeding newborns or those sleeping with their mother. But none of these children have turned very sick and therefore we are advising breastfeeding for all newborns – said Dr. Ajith S, Head Gynecology department, Government medical college, Kannur, who has been studying the Covid pattern in pregnant women and newborn in the state.

The baby can be infected by two routes: actoss the placenta while the baby still in the womb or after birth from direct contact. However treating gynecologiests said that it can’t be said with certainty whether Covid was transmitted from mother to the newborn in all cases.

Current evidence suggests that the risk of the newborn getting Covid 19 from there mother is low, especially when the mother takes steps (such as wearing a mask and washing hands) to prevent spread before and during care of the newborn. Researchers it rare for the coronavirus that causes Covid – 19 to the transmitted from mother to intanf before birth.