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Body of infant found near govt school toilet:TN police probe on Class 11 girl who gave birth to child

- September 5, 2022

Chennai, Sept 5 (BPNS)

The Cuddalore police have commenced probe into an incident wherein a  Class 11 student of a government school near Chidambaram giving birth and the body of an infant found dumped near the school toilet. Police have started the probe on who impregnated the girl.

The school authorities found the body of the infant near the school toilet on Thursday and informed the Bhuvanagiri police. Police commenced an investigation and on Friday evening they found the girl who admitted that she had given birth to the child.

She said that she had pain and went to toilet and gave birth to the child. While the girl said that the child was stillborn, police said that it would have died as she delivered it without any assistance.

Police said that the girl cut the umbilical cord with a pen and came back to the classroom. The girl also intimated to the police that she did not tell anyone in school or family that she was pregnant. Police are interrogating several people including her relatives and local people to ascertain the man behind impregnating the girl.