Assamese elephant Jeymalyatha still in chains: PETA

Chennai, Nov 15 (BPNS) People for Ethical Treatment to Animals( PETA), the animal welfare group has said that the captive temple elephant, Jeymalyatha is still in chains and controlled with weapons. PETA India said that its video evidence refutes the claims made by the Tamil Nadu Hindu Religious and Charitable  Endowments Department that Jeymalyatha was […]

TN to use AI services to prevent elephant death by October end

Tamil Nadu to use Artificial Intelligence based solutions to prevent elephant deaths by the end of October 2022 Chennai, Oct 5 (BPNS) The Tamil Nadu forest department will be finalizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) based solutions to prevent elephant deaths by the end of this month. The department of forests has already floated tenders from prospective […]

Elephant attack-proof PDS shops to come up in TN

Chennai, Oct 4 (BPNS) In a bid to prevent wild elephants at bay from Public Distribution System (PDS) commodities, the forest officials of Tamil Nadu are bringing up novel models of PDS shops. As an experiment, the  forest officials of Anamalai Tiger Reserve (ATR) is constructing a model building on elevated pillars for the PDS […]