Dileep V Kumar, Thiruvananthapuram, September 10 Foreign nationals who face various rules violations will now not be sent to jails in Kerala. Instead, they will get lodged at ‘transit homes’ being set up by the Social Justice Department (SJD). Though the plan is to establish 14 such homes, initially it will come up in Thiruvananthapuram, […]
TIME magazine shortlists Kerala among 50 extraordinary destinations
Thiruvananthapuram, July 13 (BPNS) Kerala tourism department is elated over the prestigious TIME magazine shortlisting the state as one among the 50 extraordinary destinations on the globe to explore in 2022. The state tourism minister Mohammed Riyaz while speaking to media persons said that the recognition is a result of the hard work of the […]
TN tourism department to conduct research on Buddhist sites for tour promotion
Chennai, June 9 (BPNS) The Tamil Nadu tourism department will conduct extensive research on Buddhist sites in the state to promote tourism. The research is carried out based on a submission by a group that is advocating the promotion of Buddhist sites in the state. The group Movement for Mass Transformation comprised of intellectuals and […]
Kerala Tourism’s new project; Kochi’s Venduruthy Bridge to be made food street
Ernakulam, June 7 (BPNS) Kerala Tourism Minister P.A Mohammed Riyaz, has announced that the department has decided to renovate the dilapidated Thevara Venduruthy old bridge in Kochi and construct a food street, which costs around Rs 42 crore. Kochi Mayor Anil Kumar has stated that with this transformation, the Venduruthy bridge will become a place […]
Kerala halves entry fees for senior citizens to tourist destinations
Dileep V Kumar/ Thiruvananthapuram/June 6 Lakhs of senior citizens in the state could now avail 50 percent discount on entry fees to tourist destinations under the Tourism Department. The decision to halve the price holds much significance as Kerala has the highest percentage of the elderly population in the country. The state had earlier made […]
Heavy tourist flow in Nilgiris, TN after opening up since Covid -19
Chennai, May 3 (BPNS) The tourist flow in the hill tourist destination of Tamil Nadu, Nilgiris has increased manifold after the opening up of the tourism destinations in the state, post-Covid -19. The Government Botanical Garden (GBG), Ooty received a record number of tourists, and horticulture department officials of Tamil Nadu told BPNS that around […]
Domestic, International tours on the rise from TN
Chennai, April 22 (BPNS) After two years of pandemics and the resumption of international flights, tourism has picked up in Tamil Nadu. Tour operators are getting heavy bookings with flights to the domestic and international destinations getting full. Surjit Das, of Akbar Travels of India, a leading tour operator while speaking to BPNS said, “ […]
TN to promote adventure tourism
Chennai, April 1 (BPNS) The Tamil Nadu tourism department is on an ambitious plan to promote adventure tourism, water tourism, and kayaking on a large-scale basis. The department is also planning to promote Caravan tourism in all the tourist spots of the state including Mahabalipuram, Kancheepuram, Udhugamandalam, Kodaikanal, and a few other places. The department […]