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Chennai to increase Covid tests to 25000 a day

- April 21, 2021

Chennai, April 21(BPNS)

Greater Chennai Corporation is going for around 25000 Covid -19 tests per day from the 12000 to 16000 tests a day. The Chennai administration is also for increasing the number of beds to 12000 in the corporation health care centres for admission of Covid -19 positive patients.

Greater Chennai Corporation Secretary G Prakash while speaking to BPNS said, “There is a demand for the increase in tests and we are increasing the number of daily tests to 25000 from the present figures of 12000 to 16000 per day. The Chennai corporation is equipped with the necessary beds and all the other facilities are available here.”

With the number of Covid -19 cases on an increase in Chennai, the corporation has gone for more stringent Covid protocols and has already issued micro containment zones in the city as this would lead to minimum difficulties to the general public.

Health Secretary J Radhakrishnan while speaking to BPNS said, “ Increasing the testing and then isolating those tested positive is the best method to contain the pandemic and we are increasing the number of tests in Chennai so that maximum number of positive cases are detected and isolated so that the spread is reduced much.”

The corporation has already taken stringent action in increasing the number of micro containment zones in the city and reducing the mobility of people. With the night travel of long distance buses banned in Tamil Nadu, Chennai is witnessing a much lower level of people mobility in the Koyambedu municipal bus stand and with the night curfew after 10 pm implemented since Tuesday, the city has much less public seen on the streets.

The Chennai corporation is conducting regular campaigns on the importance of masks, social distancing, testing and vaccination with the use of social media tools as well as direct campaigning.

Retnamma Jagadeeshan, a homemaker who lives in TNagar while speaking to BPNS said, “ The  decision of the corporation to increase the testing to 25000 is a welcome move and this would lead to isolation of those tested positive and then restricting their movement and those in close contact with them, we can reduce the spread of the disease.”