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Covid:Chennai Corporation to set up Triage centres in 12 more areas

- April 15, 2021

Chennai, April 15(BPNS)

The Chennai corporation will be setting up Triage centres in 12 more areas of the Corporation, a release from the office of the Commissioner ,Greater Chennai Corporation said.

Triage centres are being set up to screen Covid 19 patients and to ascertain the next course of action based on the symptoms of the


These centres will decide whether a patient testing positive be admitted to hospital, allowed home quarantine or be admitted to a care centre. Presently there are three such full fledged centres in Chennai and the corporation has decided to extend this to 12 more areas in the city as the Covid cases are surging ahead.

The Corporation commissioner G Prakash said that Post Graduate doctors in these centres will decide upon the next course of action for the patient based on the severity of the symptoms and this will lead to a reduce in the load of hospitals thus freeing several beds. Patients with mild symptoms may be allowed home quarantine or admitted at care centres instead of hospitals.

Presently the Covid 19 care centres operated by the Corporation have 12,500 beds and only 500 are used and during the first wave of Covid the corporation had 28,000 beds, the Commissioner said.

The Colleges which are presently turned into election voting centres will also be converted to Covid care centres, according to the Commissioner. The city has 8000 volunteers for fever surveliance and in a few days time their numbers will be increased to 12000.

The corporation commissioner said that the city has a stock of 10-15 lakh doses of vaccine and that the stocks will be replinshed as soon as it is exhausted.