Chennai, August 3(BPNS)
With the Covid -19 cases in Tamil Nadu showing fluctuations with the increase in some days and fall in other days, a study on the samples of Covid-19 positive patients has found that the Delta variant is dominant in the majority of samples.
Dr. Selvavinayagam, Director of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Tamil Nadu while speaking to BPNS said, “ We have so far sent 2614 Covid -19 samples for genomic sequencing and have received the results for 1881 and found that a predominantly large number, around 73% are Delta variants.”
It is to be noted that the Delta variant is the most contagious of all known variants and the original Wuhan strain was overtaken by the more contagious D614G. This variant spreads faster and is able to mutate faster and more able to evade the immunity provided by vaccines.
Dr. Selvavinayagam also said that his department is closely monitoring the situation in the state emerging out of Covid -19 cases and each rise in numbers are being critically reviewed. Dr. Selvavinayagam said, “ During the period of recession in any pandemic, cases will not come down that quickly and fluctuations are common. We are closely monitoring the situation.”
The state health department is studying all aspects leading to the increase in cases in some districts. The department is of the view that clusters are originating in markets, crowded places, and even from hospitals. The health department is planning for localized mini containment and if there are more than three Covid -19 cases in a locality then contract tracing must be done effectively in that locality.
Dr. Suchitra V. Menon, Epidemiologist while speaking to BPNS said, “Government measures are in the right track and when relaxations are effected, there is bound to be an increase in cases. Effective micro containment is the need of the hour coupled with an increase in testing and vaccination.”
The health secretary Dr. J. Radhakrishnan has already given directive to health officials to implement Standard Operating Procedures for Work places, markets and crowded areas.