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MNC delegation meets Puducherry CM, suggest constitution of tech zone

- July 5, 2021

Puducherry, July 5(BPNS)

A delegation of Multi-National Company representatives and Chief Executive Officers(CEO) met the Puducherry Chief Minister, N Rangasamy on Monday. The delegation discussed on subjects of investment and setting up a tech zone and allied infrastructure spanning over 100 acres of land.

 The Chief Minister’s office in a statement said that according to the discussions the tech zone will house a tech park,  high-tech training centre, residential complex, shopping mall and amusement park. The investors have suggested creating of 1 lakh jobs through the tech zone and to attract huge revenues for the government.

The government is of the opinion that this would also help to bring back the talents from Puducherry who are currently based abroad. The statement also said that the government expects the living standards of the people to increase through the creating of a tech zone.

Chief Minister, N Rangasamy chaired the meeting which was attended by ministers, K. Lakshminarayanan and D. Djeacoumar as also the state industries secretary, E Vallavan.

The state industries secretary, E. Vallavan said that the MNC’s expressed interest in procuring land at Manapet village in Bahour commune and the state government has suggested the MNC delegation submit a proposal with immediate effect.

The delegation that met the Chief minister includes, CEO’s of companies like Paypal, Expeditas, Techways Germany, Amtex, KICL, SME’s in education, Shell International,  Caterpillar and several investment bankers.