Chennai, June 7(BPNS)
The founder leader of Pattali Makkal Katchi(PMK), Dr. S Ramdoss has called upon the Tamil Nadu government to bring in legislation to make Tamil medium compulsory in schools of the state.
The PMK leader said that Section (F) of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act (RTE), 2009 has declared that “Mother tongue must be the medium of instruction as far as practicable”.
In a statement released here on Monday, Dr. Ramdoss called upon the state government to bring in an amendment to remove the “as far as practicable” phrase in Section (F) of the RTE Act and send it for approval of the President of India.
He urged the state government to bring in legislation making Tamil as a compulsory medium of instruction in a phased manner and pass the legislation in the first session of the assembly.
The PMK leader welcomed the Tamil Nadu Chief minister’ statement that he would work hard to get official language status for all languages including Tamil listed in the eighth schedule of the constitution. Dr S. Ramdoss also said that the state government should ensure that the high court and Supreme court of India accept the Government’s legislation in making Tamil a compulsory medium of instruction.