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Puducherry records highest number of Covid cases of 2021 on Thursday

- April 8, 2021

Chennai, April 8(BPNS)

The Union Territory of Puducherry recorded the highest number of Covid cases in a single day in 2021 on Thursday. The UT recorded the highest cases on Thursday with 293 people testing Covid positive.

Health department confirmed that 2000 active cases are in the state with 1510 patients under home isolation and treatment.

Puducherry city recorded the maximum number of cases with 181 ,Karikkal followed with 87 cases,  Mahe has 15 cases and Yanam 10 cases on Thursday.

Puducherry headquarters have the maximum number of active cases with 1408 followed by  Karikkal with 487 cases, Mahe with 67 and Yanam with 38 cases. No Covid 19 deaths were reported on Thursday and the total number of deaths due to Covid is 687. Puducherry head quarters have the maximum number of deaths at 554 followed by Karikkal at 77, Yanam at 45 and Mahe (11).