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TN state boards class 12 results declared.

- July 19, 2021

Chennai, July 19(BPNS)

The Tamil Nadu education minister, Mahesh Anbil Poyyamozhi on Monday declared the results of Eight lakh students of Class 12  students.

The minister said that all the 8,16, 473 students have passed which include 4,35,973 girls and 3,80,500 boys. 39,679 students scored in the mark range of 551-600. 30,600 students of the science stream scored in the range between 551-600.

In the commerce stream, 8,909 students scored in the mark range of 551-600.

Around 77% of students scored above 400 marks out of 600 in the weightage system followed by the Tamil Nadu board as exams were not conducted due to the Covid pandemic.

Class X marks will carry a weightage of 50% , Class XI will carry 20% and Class XII will carry 30% on the basis of suggestion from an expert committee constituted by the Tamil Nadu government, Department of Higher Education.

The minister said that 33,557 students who had arrears in Class X1 were also promoted due to Covid -19 pandemic. He also said that optional examinations and exams for 39,000 private students would be held in September or October and added that the examination mode will depend on the Covid situation at that time.

The minister said that the Tamil Nadu Directorate of Government Examinations( TNDGE) will call for applications to optional exam in a day or two.

Students can know the results by registering their date of birth and roll number on the following websites. www.tnresults.nic.in ,www.dge1.tn.nic.inwww.dge2.tn.nic.indge.tn.gov.in.

Marks will also be sent through SMS to students in their registered mobile numbers.

Students can download their mark lists from the websites www.dge.tn.gov.in  and www.dge.tn.nic.in from 11 am on July 22.

The students will have to register their date of birth and roll number to download their mark lists.

It may be recalled that the State government had canceled the Class 12 board examinations due to the Covid -19 pandemic. Marks were awarded on the basis of Class X and Class XI board exams and Class XII practical exams and internal assessment.