Chennai, March 13 (BPNS)
Chennai will host an international festival called toilet festival on April 2 and 3rd to create awareness on toilets and to study their working structure. The event will be conducted by Recycle Bin and Cheer team in collaboration with the Greater Chennai Corporation, Dutch ministry, International Institute for Infrastructural Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering( IHE Delft, Netherlands), and Dot product solutions LLP.
The toilet festival, according to the organizers will comprise mapping of toilets, toilet fellowship, toilet festivals, and toilet expo.
There will be a toilet mapathon and will be done through an android app called, “Kakkoos App” across 15 zones that come under the Greater Chennai Corporation. Mapathon volunteers will collect the ground data about the number of public toilets and their qualitative aspects.
Toilet fellowships will be offered which have two parts, seven-day toilet training for 30 fellows and three-month fellowships commencing from May to July 2022 for ten fellows. The fellowship will provide an opportunity to explore, observe and learn about the public toilet network and sanitation conditions of the city.
The organizer of the programme, Ganga Dileep in a statement on Sunday said that the mapathon and fellowship will analyze different aspects of sanitation including gender, inclusivity, safety, hygiene, governance, toilet economy, management, maintenance, and health. She also said that the water management report and strategy for the city of Chennai will act as a potential space for deriving other similar projects.