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Political parties in calculation mode over the poll percentage and results

- April 7, 2021

Chennai, April 7(BPNS)

Political parties of Tamil Nadu, especially the Dravidian majors are in calculation mode with permutations and combinations on the poll out come.

Parties have started deciphering as to who will benefit from the 71 percent voting that took place on April 6. While in 2011 and 2016 ,AIADMK led front had benefitted from the higher percentage, DMK leadership dismisses this and is of the opinion that the front would win a comfortable majority.

While almost all national level opinion polls have predicted a landslide for the DMK front, political observers and election analysts prefers to be modest and to vouch for a win to the DMK but not with a huge majority.

DMK leader Duraimurugan while speaking to BPNS said, “It will be DMK all the way and as a political worker who has been in the grass root level across Tamil Nadu, I could easily find a wave in favour of DMK. We will win with a huge majority and the results will surprise our opponents.”

However political observers begged to differ. C Rajeev of Centre for Policy and Development Studies , a Think tank based out of Chennai while speaking to BPNS said, “It is a close neck and neck fight. While at the superficial level we could find a wave in favour of DMK, I think it is confined to the urban centres, and rural Tamil Nadu seems to have preferred the AIADMK. The anti incumbency factor is much less during the Edappadi K Palaniswami regime and this might have worked in favour of AIADMK at the grass roots in rural areas. Whoever win’s it is a close margin.”

Of the 6.29 crore eligible voters of Tamil Nadu, 4.51 crore had cast their votes and this was a welcome sign as far as election amidst Covid is concerned.

This sizable voter turn out has given hopes to the AIADMK camp as low turn out means support for the cadre based DMK and the higher turn out can give a slight increase for the AIADMK. While the cadre based BJP is with the AIADMK in its alliance, the saffron party is not much a force to reckon with in Tamil Nadu and in several constituencies where the party contested, there were not even booth agents. Both the Dravidian majors had put up several temporary booths outside the election centres to assist the voters and here the BJP had went behind.

AIADMK Chennai city leader M Senthilanathan while speaking to BPNS said, “AIADMK led front is winning this election leaving aside the anti incumbency disadvantage. The government had done several good things for the people and it was effectively communicated to the grass root level and this will definitely see the AIADMK front through and win with a comfortable majority. In urban areas it’s a neck and neck race but in rural Tamil Nadu it is advantage AIADMK.”

While it’s a long waiting time to get the clear results on May 2, the parties are taking up reports from each booth and trying to work out the results.