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Youth arrested for murdering father in Coimbatore, TN

- February 7, 2022

Chennai, Feb 7 (BPNS)

Coimbatore rural police on Monday arrested a 24-year-old youth, Subash for murdering his 48-year-old father, S. Palanisamy. According to the Kovilpalayam police, the father and son who were both working in different private companies in Coimbatore took a joint loan of Rs 8 lakh to construct their house.

The duo failed to repay the loan installments in time and this led to a quarrel between the two after consuming alcohol which they used to do together.

On Sunday after consuming alcohol, Palanisamy picked up a verbal duel with his son over the loan repayment matter which was not taken lightly by  Subash who assaulted his father. He also tried to strangulate him and later attacked Palanisamy with a sickle on his leg.

After this Subash went to sleep with his mother Janaki who was also residing with them at the house. Police said that on Monday morning the 108 ambulance services received a call from Subash that his father was facing breathlessness and when the ambulance arrived, Palanisamy was found dead.

Ambulance staff alerted the Kovilpalayam police in Coimbatore rural who promptly arrested the 24-year-old Subash. He was produced before a court and remanded to judicial custody.

The body of Palanisamy is at Coimbatore medical college hospital for the postmortem and police said that it will be handed over to the relatives after the postmortem is over.