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TN government sanctions 9.8 crores for Adult literacy programme

- October 13, 2022

Chennai, Oct 13 (BPNS)

Tamil Nadu School education department has allotted an amount of Rs 9.8 crore for the Adult literacy programme in the state. The project will benefit 4.8 lakh people in the state.

The project, according to the school education department officials will be implemented through the Tamil Nadu Directorate of Non-Formal and Adult Education which is under the New India Literacy Programme (NILP).

The scheme is launched for providing basic literacy among adults and the idea is to ensure that every adult knows how to read and write. It may be noted that according to the 2011 census, 86% of the men in the state have basic literacy and 73% of women knows how to read and write.

The state government has in 2021-22 targeted 3 lakh adults to be educated and during the 2022-23  financial year the target is 4.8 lakh, people.

Tamil Nadu minister for school education, Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi while speaking to BPNS said, “  In Tamil Nadu around 50 lakh adults don’t know how to read and write and we are targeting at least fifty per cent of this population to be able to read and write. In 2021-22, we targeted 3 lakh people and achieved it and during 2022-23 we are planning to equip 4.8 lakh, adults, with reading and writing skills and we hope that we achieve that without any difficulties.”

The programme will roll out for the 2022-23 financial year from the Vellore district and the school education department is planning to equip 10,820 people in the district with basic literacy.