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Anbumani Ramadoss comes out against Thermal power plants in TN over emission of toxic gases

- October 28, 2021

Chennai, Oct 28 (BPNS)

Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK) youth wing leader and former Union Minister for Health in the AB Vajpayee cabinet, Anbumani Ramadoss has come out strongly against the Thermal power plants in Tamil Nadu that emit toxic gases.

In a statement on Thursday, the senior leader expressed shock over the Thermal power plants in Tamil Nadu emitting toxic and poisonous gases leading to people of the state being subjected to high levels of pollution. He called upon the Tamil Nadu government to seek alternate sources of energy and not to allow sanction for new Thermal power plants in the state other than those that are already given sanction.

It may be noted that there were media reports on the high level of pollution people of Tamil Nadu are subjected to and Chennai city is on the list of one of the most polluted cities with several thermal plants located in the Northern parts of the city.

A study conducted by the organization, Poovulagin Nanbargal along with CREA and ASAR has revealed that high levels of toxic gases are being emitted by the thermal power plants in Tamil Nadu.

The high level of emission of Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) is much above the permissible levels of SO2 emissions. The state and central government-owned thermal power plants are the main culprits in this higher level of emission of this poisonous gas.

The report shows that the Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC) plant is emitting SO2 at a rate of 2498 milligram/normal cubic metre per hour. The permissible limit is however only 600mg/ NM3.

The former Union minister said that the thermal plants are not following norms to retrofit all Coal-based plants with the Flue Gas Desulfuriser. He added that the thermal plants are turning into killers by not properly following the norms of the Union Environment Ministry.

Anbumani Ramadoss called upon the Government of Tamil Nadu to immediately take steps to ensure that all coal-based thermal plants are retrofitted with Flue Gas Desulfurisers.

The PMK leader also said that the government should pursue a shift towards hybrid generation of wind and solar power and also take measures to convert coal-based plants to gas-based plants.